Over the years many new fathers have told us that they didn’t really feel prepared for what happened during their birthing experiences.  Whilst for some it was a positive and natural experience, for many it was traumatic and overwhelming and made them feel anxious, helpless and left on the side-lines.

At we understand these fears and emotions and want to better prepare you for this special yet unpredictable event.  We want to help you through this journey and aim to provide you with information that is practical, easy to understand and male-friendly.

Some of the topics we will discuss during your session with come not just from our personal and professional experiences, but from research that has shown what new dads feel is important to know. 

Topics include:

  • Late pregnancy and hormones
  • How you can support your partner during labour and birth
  • What is early labour?
  • What can you do to help your partner cope with labour pain at home and in the hospital
  • The stages of labour and what they mean
  • How to be an advocate for your partner during difficult times
  • Are you having a planned caesarean section and want information that is relevant to you?
  • When things don’t go to plan
  • What not to say to your partner during labour
  • An opportunity to share your concerns and speak with other men who are experiencing the same
  • and lots of other important information and survival tips….


As an expectant father you may feel unprepared for what lies ahead.  This is a normal reaction and experienced by many new dads.  Here at we understand this and will talk you through some of the must have skills you will need and give you hands on experience and practice so you don’t feel dropped in the deep end when baby arrives!

Using workstations and small groups we allow our dads plenty of time and guidance to master some of these key skills while providing you with the latest research findings on the importance of father-infant bonding.

This section will include topics such as:

  • How to hold and handle your newborn baby
  • How to connect with your newborn and stay connected
  • The benefits of father-infant bonding
  • Changing nappies
  • Supporting your feeding choices
  • Swaddling
  • Baby’s first bath
  • Bringing your baby home
  • Rough and tumble play
  • What to pack in a baby bag
  • and much much more…


Becoming a new father is a momentous, wonderful and life-changing journey.  We at know this because we are still going though the experience ourselves!  For many, bringing home a new baby can be an overwhelming challenge so imagine how stressful it is going to get when you throw in a mix of sleep deprivation, sore nipples, a crying baby and the ‘baby blues’…!

This part of the class is dedicated to giving you the information you need to prepare for family life.  We at want to help you maintain a healthy relationship with your partner and enjoy your new role as a father.

Topics for discussion will include:

  • The first 6 weeks
  • Your partners post-baby body, hormones and will you ever have sex again!!
  • Parenting in partnership
  • Postnatal depression: can men suffer PND too?
  • Family planning
  • Work and financial issues
  • Sleep & routines!
  • Family-work life balance
  • and much much more…